Indian Coast Guard Recruitment 2021: Indian Coast Guard has released a notification for the recruitment of 75 Officer and Upper Division Clerk vacancy on deputation (ISTC) basis. Interested and eligible candidates may apply here.
Last Date for applying at Indian Coast Guard Recruitment 2021: 60 Days.

Indian Coast Guard Recruitment 2021
1. Senior Civilian Staff Officer (Logistics) – Indian Coast Guard Recruitment 2021
No of posts: 2
Eligibility Criteria: Officers under the Central or State Government or Union Territories or Statutory or Autonomous Organisations or Universities or Public Sector Undertaking or Semi–Governments or Recognized Research Institute: –
(a) (i) Holding analogous posts on a regular basis in the parent cadre or department; OR
(ii) With five years ‘service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in posts in level–11 in the pay matrix or equivalent in the parent cadre or department; AND
(b) Possessing the following educational qualification and experience:
(i) Degree of a recognised University or Institute; and
(ii) Diploma in Material Management or any Diploma with Material Management as a subject from a recognised university or institute; AND
(iii) Ten years’ supervisory experience in a Store administration and accounting of a Stores in Central or State Government or Statutory or Autonomous Organisation or Public Sector Undertaking or University or Banks
Pay: Level–12 (Rs. 78800–209200) in the pay matrix.
2. Civilian Staff Officer (Logistics) – Indian Coast Guard Recruitment 2021
No of posts: 12
Eligibility Criteria: Officers under the Central or State Government or Union Territories or Statutory or Autonomous Organisations or Universities or Public Sector Undertaking or Semi–Governments or Recognized Research Institute: –
(a) (i) Holding analogous posts on a regular basis in the parent cadre or department; OR
(ii) With five years ‘service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in posts in level–10 in the pay matrix or equivalent in the parent cadre or department; AND
(b) Possessing the following educational qualification and experience: –
(i) Degree of a recognised University or Institute; and
(ii) Diploma in Material Management or any Diploma with Material Management as a subject from a recognised university or institute; AND
(iii) Five years’ experience in a Store administration and accounting of a Stores in Central or State Government or Statutory or Autonomous Organisation or Public Sector Undertaking or University or Banks
Pay: Level 11 (Rs. 67700–208700) in the pay matrix.
3. Civilian Gazetted Officer (Logistics) – Indian Coast Guard Recruitment 2021
No of posts: 8
Eligibility Criteria: Officers under the Central or State Government or Union Territories or Statutory or Autonomous Organisations or Universities or Public Sector Undertaking or Semi–Governments or Recognized Research Institute: –
(a) (i) Holding analogous posts on a regular basis in the parent cadre or department; OR
(ii) With five years ‘service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in posts in level–6 in the pay matrix or equivalent in the parent cadre or department; AND
(b) Possessing the following educational qualification and experience: –
(i) Degree of a recognised University or Institute; and
(ii) Diploma in Material Management or any Diploma with Material Management as a subject from a recognised university or institute; AND
(iii) Three years’ experience in a Store administration and accounting of a Stores in Central or State Government or Statutory or Autonomous Organisation or Public Sector Undertaking
Pay: Level–7 (Rs. 44900–142400) in the pay matrix
4. Section Officer – Indian Coast Guard Recruitment 2021
No of posts: 7
Eligibility Criteria: Officers under the Central Government:–
(a) (i) Holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre/ department;OR
(ii) With five years regular service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in the Pay Band–2, Rs. 9300–34800/–with Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/–(Revised pay Level–6 in the pay matrix) in the parent cadre or department; AND
(b) Possessing three years experience in administration,establishment and accounts matters.
Pay: Pay Band–2, Rs. 9300–34800/–with Grade Pay of Rs. 4800/–(Revised pay Level–8 in the pay matrix).
5. Upper Division Clerk – Indian Coast Guard Recruitment 2021
No of posts: 46
Eligibility Criteria: Officers under the Central Government holding analogous posts on regular basis;or with eight years regular service in Pay Band–1, Rs. 5200–20200/–with Grade Pay of Rs. 1900/–(Revised pay Level–2 in the pay matrix). Experience in Armed Forces Headquarters is desirable
Pay: Pay Band–1, Rs. 5200–20200/–with Grade Pay of Rs. 2400/–(Revised pay Level–4 in the pay matrix).
How to apply: Applications in the prescribed proforma (available on Indian Coast Guard website at alongwith the complete and up to–date ACR/APAR dossiers (or attested photocopies of the ACRs/ APAR for the last 05 years)in respect of the officers/ individuals who could be spared in the event of selection may be sent to Directorate of Personnel,{SCSO(CP)}Coast Guard Headquarters, National Stadium Complex, New Delhi–110001 within 60 days from the date of publication of this advertisement.
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